A WILD HUNT IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT! Led by Rei Sakuma, UNDEAD is a fearless unit known for being rebellious, wild, and at the same time, suave and alluring. These self-proclaimed "devils of the night" will steal your heart and drag you with them to the pits of hell with their fan service. Their songs range from dark and powerful, to smooth and passionate, and even gentle at times. And, like most Enstars fans, UNDEAD was my first favorite unit.

When I downloaded Enstars Basic for the first time a few years ago, I was instantly captivated by their charm. It also didn't help that my best friend informed me that Rei was very vampire coded, and my vampire-lover ass couldn't turn away. It's no surprise, then, that they were my favs out of the entire cast. Which leads me to where I am now, having made a webshrine all for them.

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